O Editor

segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2014


"This present article is subject to the political thought of abolitionist movements in Baixa Mogiana between 1870 and 1890, whose guiding point was the murder of the delegate of police, Joaquim Firmino, which, according to the season news and with the existing literature, it would have inspired and rushed thr signing of Law Aurea, already under imminent. This episode, therefore, there was the other in the decision by the abolition of slavery and influenced the change of name of the city of Penha do Rio do Peixe for the current Itapira. The preparation of the study allowed reflect on a particular occurred in the Region of Baixa Mogiana that, in fact, lived reflexes of major events: the external and internal pressures by the end of slave labour, in a time modernity required the existing workforce employed specifically to European immigrants."

ABSTRACT, KEY-WORDS: Black Slavery, Brazil, Abolition, Baixa Mogiana. 
Fonte: A autora - Vera Silvia Constantino (PUC - MINAS)